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Apple Skin Pack For Windows 7 32bit Free 241
i tried downloading gthe mac theme and turning my windows 7 into a mac/leopard osx.. it told me that i have to check if my disk has enough space. i need help!! my laptop is brand new and has 285 gigs of free space. what do i do??????
To get started, launch the EXE file and accept the terms and conditions. You can either, choose Quick Install or, choose Custom Install to uncheck extra items. It must be noted that this skin pack is ad-supported; it attempts to set the developers home page as your default home page. You can uncheck this option during Custom Installation.
When all of the required components of the skin pack are installed, reboot the system to get the Linux look for your Windows 7 desktop. The following screenshot displays some of the UI elements of Gnome Skin Pack.